Nutrition for the City Worker

For most, Fat Loss is the most common goal in the Health & Fitness industry. It’s not surprising given the poor information the general public are subjected too, from the print press we read to the online health and fitness apps which also contain poor information. For example, I read this week that a new juice diet can help shed weight in just a matter of weeks, and astonishingly coffee drinkers are less likely to become obese with the average number of cups of coffee being 5 per day.

Today we are going to take a closer look at the nutritional components that aid fat loss and most specifically, how to set up an optimal nutritional day for the busy individual living and working in London. Nutrition, will always be the number one contributing factor to whether or not you achieve your body composition goals.

Before looking at what a typical day’s nutrition should look like it’s important to understand the three macro-nutrients involved in establishing your nutrition plan and why they’re so important.

Protein! Proteins are the building blocks to multiple functions in your body like protein synthesis, detoxification and hormone building. It’s important to understand that without quality proteins, our body’s cannot complete these functions to full capacity. Lastly, without quality proteins, long lasting changes in fat loss are pointless.

Fats! Yes, Fats are our friend. Healthy fats are involved in hormone building and energy output. A diet low in healthy natural sources of fat will halt any fat loss program you are currently trying. Fat is key, and this is one macronutrient I see many people completely ignoring whether it be education of fats or even knowing what a healthy fat might be.

Carbohydrates! I said the C word. Carbohydrates are involved in energy output and act as a direct fuel for the brain. Carbohydrates are a non-essential nutrient because our body’s can produce carbohydrates from proteins through a process called ‘Gluconeogenesis’. Natural sources of carbs are great, Sweet Potato and Vegetables are considerably better than a pizza or sandwich. It’s having the willpower to make the correct decision.

Now we know what macronutrients should be on our plate it’s important to understand meal frequency. Eating too few meals won’t get you to where you need to be, eating too many will make it impossible to maintain over a long period of time. Sustainability is key. It depends on the individual, but for most people 4 complete meals a day or 3 meals per day with a snack in between would be a good starting block.

Now how to make all the above fit into your busy lifestyle. Each meal will consist of the following;

Animal Protein
Healthy Fat
Non Starchy Complex Carb (Vegetables, Leafy Greens being the best options)

Poached Egg, Salmon & Avocado

Grilled Chicken Breast
Handful of Cashew Nuts

Fillet Steak
Boiled Kale
Tablespoon Olive Oil & Balsamic as dressing

The key to success is consistency. Without consistency you most certainly will not achieve your goals. Finding a manageable process of setting up your daily nutrition will increase the likelihood of success. Starting with four meals would be a good place to start, it will stabilise your blood sugar and help sustain energy throughout the day and give you more energy.