Time to Reflect…

Its incredible how quickly this year has gone. Its June, and I haven’t posted anything since January. That really is unacceptable, and it’s been a weight on my shoulders that has needed lifting.

Prior to 2017 I set myself a few business orientated targets. I wanted to push things forward, be ambitious, put in more hours, meet more people, learn more. It has gone well, better than expected. Which is great. One thing I do is never take anything for granted, I could wake up tomorrow and it could all be gone, i’m not going to settle or get comfortable.

‘Get comfortable being uncomfortable’

With a good start to the year however, my social media posting and blogging has suffered.

It is incredible how aware you can be of something that you know needs doing, but do nothing about it. Make an excuse, I’ll do it tomorrow, just keep pushing it to the back of the ‘to do list’ where it never goes away, it’ll just look at you every day.

Something finally clicked, it took a 45 minute run in the country back where I grew up, some actual time to step back away from everything and reflect on what has happened this year, what I have done great and what I could have done better. It really did feel amazing to feel my heart beating out of my chest, getting my sweat on, breathing in some fresh air on and switching off. Its hard to shut off and rarely do I feel that i’m not thinking about what to do next, how to push things a little further. When I do shut off however, is where I can become more creative and take a step back from things and reflect on what needs to be done.

Previously my blogs have always been to do with something I have found interesting, or thought anyone reading them might find beneficial. Moving forward I’m going to add a little more structure. I have created the below categories which I believe will offer the most which I will draw from my own experience. Relevant and topical information.

  • Fat Loss Food for Real People
  • Exercise Education
  • Ignite Your Mind and Body

Fat Loss Food for Real People

How to eat yourself lean whilst not 100% clean. The best way to some this section up. Here I will look at how to optimise fat-loss whilst still being able to enjoy your life. I don’t beat around the bush, I will say it how it is, and you can feel a lot more confident in how you look and feel and still be able to enjoy a glass of wine or a few beers.

Exercise Education

Exactly what is says. Tips ranging from exercise form and safety, what may or may not work best for you and your body.

Ignite Your Mind and Body

Food for the brain. Varying from tips on how to manage stress, be more confident, to managing and navigating around your brain. Il draw all of this from books I read and share the information that has most had the impact on me.

I will post a blog every two weeks, in order of the above.

Blog 1 will be ‘The 6 Commandments’ the first under the ‘Fat Loss Food for Real People‘ category. It’ll cover everything from the foods that make up your plate and why, sugars, fats and alcohol.

Thanks For Reading
