Face Pull for Shoulder Health

Internally rotated shoulders are common place in the modern day. Poor posture, desk bound jobs, driving, eating, even now reading…

The Bent Over Row

The Single Arm Bent Over Row - is a staple in most Back programmes and so it should be. It…

The BB Bench Press

The Barbell Bench Press: A staple for most looking to increase size and strength through the chest. And rightly so.…

The Back Squat

The Barbell Back Squat is certainly a staple exercise within the Vitality Personal Training Studio and is considered one of…

Strength & Conditioning, Olympic Lifting

This week I took part in a 2 day Strength & Conditioning course covering Olympic Lifting. The Clean & Jerk…

Exercise Education: The Pause Squat

How to improve your explosive power! The Pause Squat. If you consider yourself and effective 'squatter' this the pause can…

Tips on how to reduce muscle soreness port workout…

Most of you at some point would have experienced that muscle soreness you get having worked out? Clambering out of…

Hip Flexors

Do you work in an office? Suffer from lower back pain? Then the below information on what your Hip Flexors…