Fat Loss Food for Real People Volume 1: The 6 Commandments

Fat Loss Food for Real People - The 6 Commandments One: Green is God Make greens/vegetables the foundation of your…

Exercise Education Volume 1: The Warm Up

Exercise Education – The Warm Up Never underestimate or overlook the importance of a dynamic warm up before training. The…

Time to Reflect…

Its incredible how quickly this year has gone. Its June, and I haven’t posted anything since January. That really is…

Joint Health & Longevity

We all have very personal reasons why we do this. It might be yoga, resistance training or running. Whether it’s…

Your Why

2. Find Your Why. What I want is for people to feel good and be body confident. For most that’s…

Cholesterol Covered!

I’m not entirely sure on how I personally feel stating that 2016 has been a year of good health as…

Face Pull for Shoulder Health

Internally rotated shoulders are common place in the modern day. Poor posture, desk bound jobs, driving, eating, even now reading…

Feeling Tired….?

Tired? More often than not when I ask a client how their week is going, how they’re feeling the reply…

Sustainable Dieting…

Paleo, Low Carb, High Protein, Keto…and so the list goes on and on. Why is it however that you don’t…