Fat Loss Food For Real People Volume 2: Is the Diet the problem?

Is losing excess body fat hard? Yes and no, it’s certainly easy to make it difficult with an overhaul approach,…

Mastering Your Mindset Volume 1: Can your lunch really effect your performance?

Before you delve deep into this blog, this certainly is not another lambasting article on carbohydrates. I am a big…

Fat Loss Food for Real People Volume 1: The 6 Commandments

Fat Loss Food for Real People - The 6 Commandments One: Green is God Make greens/vegetables the foundation of your…

Exercise Education Volume 1: The Warm Up

Exercise Education – The Warm Up Never underestimate or overlook the importance of a dynamic warm up before training. The…

Time to Reflect…

Its incredible how quickly this year has gone. Its June, and I haven’t posted anything since January. That really is…

Joint Health & Longevity

We all have very personal reasons why we do this. It might be yoga, resistance training or running. Whether it’s…

Your Why

2. Find Your Why. What I want is for people to feel good and be body confident. For most that’s…

Cholesterol Covered!

I’m not entirely sure on how I personally feel stating that 2016 has been a year of good health as…

Face Pull for Shoulder Health

Internally rotated shoulders are common place in the modern day. Poor posture, desk bound jobs, driving, eating, even now reading…