The BB Bench Press

The Barbell Bench Press: A staple for most looking to increase size and strength through the chest. And rightly so.…

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil may be one of the most misunderstood of the more readily available dietary fats/oils. The main difference between…

Effective Fat Loss

There is nothing more confusing or controversial than the hot topic of nutrition. Read this, do that, lose weight. Fad…

My Top 3 – Magnesium, Vitamin D, Omega – 3

I wanted to cover the subject of supplementation because often too much emphasis can be put on supplements to either…

The Back Squat

The Barbell Back Squat is certainly a staple exercise within the Vitality Personal Training Studio and is considered one of…

Nutrition for the City Worker

For most, Fat Loss is the most common goal in the Health & Fitness industry. It’s not surprising given the…

Strength & Conditioning, Olympic Lifting

This week I took part in a 2 day Strength & Conditioning course covering Olympic Lifting. The Clean & Jerk…

Stress: The Secret Killer

Stress can be as debilitating as most diseases. Yet the frenetic fast paced city life of London causes millions to…

Exercise Education: The Pause Squat

How to improve your explosive power! The Pause Squat. If you consider yourself and effective 'squatter' this the pause can…